Liberation Soup | 解放スープ

Liberty Soup

On Liberation Day, May 5th 2024, a large and free Liberation Meal was organized in the Eusebius Church in Arnhem for more than 300 guests. The church, which was almost completely destroyed during World War II, now symbolizes the reconstruction. A special place to eat Liberty Soup together, meet new faces, and share stories.


Liberty Soup

Liberty Soup

Carnival | カーニバル

Carnival Arnhem 2024

Carnival in the neighborhood of Klarendal in the city of Arnhem, on February 11, 2024. Approximately 40 small and large carnival groups and marching bands participated in the annual parade that traditionally passes through a part of the old Arnhem working-class neighborhood of Klarendal.


Silent Struggle | 静かなる葛藤

The sculpture ‘Silent Struggle’ on Velperplein in Arnhem. The sculpture of a huddled young person symbolizes the inner struggle that many depressed young individuals face. The sculpture is visible from afar due to its large dimensions, approximately 2.5 meters in height and 4 meters in length, and its bright yellow color. The ‘visit’ of Silent Struggle to Arnhem is part of a national campaign that is being conducted in various cities to raise awareness for suicide prevention among young people. The sculpture is installed in several cities in the Netherlands for a few weeks and is an initiative of artist Saskia Stolz from the Power of Art House.

アーネムのヴェルパープラインにある彫刻『Silent Struggle』。ひしゃげた若者の姿をしたこの彫刻は、多くのうつ病の若者が抱える内面の葛藤を象徴しています。彫刻は遠くからも見えるようになっており、高さ約2.5メートル、長さ4メートルほどあり、鮮やかな黄色で彩られています。『Silent Struggle』のアーネムへの「訪問」は、各都市で実施されている全国キャンペーンの一環であり、若者の自殺予防のために注意を喚起することを目的としています。この彫刻はオランダのいくつかの都市に数週間設置され、アーティストのサスキア・シュトルツが率いるパワー・オブ・アート・ハウスのイニシアチブです.

Silent Struggle

Silent Struggle

The Tank | 戦車

The Tank

A destroyed Russian tank travels through the EU to showcase the horrors of the Russian invasion and war in Ukraine since February 2022. The tank will be stationed at the well-known Leidseplein, right in the tourist heart of Amsterdam, from May 26th to June 5th. The location where the tank is placed is also being used by some pro-Putin supporters to convey their message
以下の内容を日本語に翻訳します: ロシアの破壊された戦車がEU内を旅し、2022年2月以来のロシアによるウクライナへの侵略と戦争の恐ろしさを示します。この戦車は、5月26日から6月5日まで、アムステルダムの観光地である有名なライデン広場に配置されます。戦車が置かれる場所は、一部のプーチン支持者がメッセージを伝えるためにも使用されています。

The Tank

Hoogte 80 Festival | ホーヘテ80フェスティバル

Hoogte 80 Festival

The largest free alternative culture and art festival of Arnhem is held every year in the neighborhood of Geitenkamp, on the highest hill of the city called “Hoogte 80.” This year, about 20 mini theaters, cabaret, and street artists for young and old participated in the Hoogte 80 Festival, along with numerous food trucks, street food stalls, and beer tents.


Hoogte 80

Hoogte 80

Hoogte 80

The Green vests of “Heel Arnhem Schoon” │ ヒール・アーネム・スクーン の緑のベスト

Heel Arnhem Schoon

Since 2019, there has been a litter cleanup initiative in the city of Arnhem, which began in the Malburgen neighborhood. A resident was fed up with the increasing amount of litter in her neighborhood and founded the Heel Arnhem Schoon foundation with a number of other residents. With over 130 volunteers, Heel Arnhem Schoon is now active throughout the entire city of Arnhem, especially in so-called “opportunity neighborhoods” (a politically softened term used to describe the issues in poor neighborhoods as opportunities). The volunteers can be recognized by their fluorescent light green vests that they wear during their cleanup rounds..

2019年以来、アーネム市には、マルバーゲン地区で始まったごみの清掃イニシアチブがあります。地元住民は、地域内の増加するごみにうんざりして、Heel Arnhem Schoon財団を他の住民と共に設立しました。130人以上のボランティアを擁するHeel Arnhem Schoonは、現在アーネム市全域で活動しており、特に「機会のある地区」と呼ばれる貧困地区で活動しています。ボランティアは、清掃ラウンド中に着用する蛍光色の明るい緑色のベストで識別できます。

Heel Arnhem Schoon

Heel Arnhem Schoon

Heel Arnhem Schoon

Stembus │ 投票バス


A trolleybus from 1949 has been used in recent years during elections in the city of Arnhem to encourage residents to vote. The “voting bus” was present during the 2023 provincial elections in the city of Arnhem, alongside a mobile polling station. Mayor Ahmed Marcouch visited one of the locations of the “voting bus” and took a moment behind the wheel.